Friday, January 13th, 2023

Resort or Vacation Rental? 4 Questions to Consider When Planning Your Next Trip

You’ve done it! You’ve finally decided where you’re going to travel! You’ve bought tickets, and now comes the challenging part—where are you going to stay?

No matter where you go—from the bustling big city of Los Angeles to the quaint rice terraces in Bali, options for accommodations can be endless. So, how do you choose the right place? Read on as I help you narrow down your options to make the best choice for a trip of a lifetime!

There can be many factors to consider when choosing accommodations, but here are an important few to think about:

1. How much time do you have at one destination?

    If you have two weeks off and are staying in the same area the entire time, then a vacation rental may be your most economical and logical choice. For example, I met a family from the UK who was spending two weeks at an amazing all-inclusive resort in the Caribbean. The hotel provided food, drinks, and unforgettable entertainment, but after one week, they had already experienced everything the resort had to offer. Their next week was a repeat of the first—same food, same drinks, same events. Personally, I have found that staying a few days at an all-inclusive resort has been a top-notch experience; however, staying two weeks may tarnish the memories when one recalls their time at that destination. This brings me to my next question…

    2. What is your budget?

      What are you willing to pay? Not only can overstaying at a resort lose its novelty, but the price tag is quite hefty as well. With a price per night at around $600-$700 for a total of 14 nights, you’re looking at accommodations for one trip hovering around a whopping $9,000! Quite pricey, especially if anyone participated in activities and experiences outside of the hotel. researchers conducted a study in May 2022 and found that “the average summer vacation budget of travelers from the selected European countries amounted to 1,805 euros” per person. (Source: Across the pond, researchers at found that “the average US family of 4 spends around $4,580 on a vacation annually” (Source: Thinking about the mainstream traveler’s budget worldwide, one may conclude that time and money are both limited, and most people are looking for the best bang for their buck. How might you determine this? Look no further than my next question…

      3. What activities are you looking to do while on your trip?

        If you are merely looking forward to laying by a pool in the warm sun the entire trip and not having to think about anything at all, then an all-inclusive resort may be your best bet. Maybe you’ve been so busy with the hustle and bustle of work and just need a few days of R&R to turn surviving into thriving. Maybe it’s a first-time holiday sans kiddos with a partner or friends. Although an entire trip of just warm weather and drinks by the pool are enticing, many destinations have a handful activities that are not to be missed. Take St. Lucia for instance: bathing in a natural waterfall and/or having a spa day in a volcanic thermal bath can both be just as relaxing as a day by the pool (if not better!) What’s best is that those activities have minimal costs. By staying at a vacation rental, you won’t have to pick and choose what you do outside of a resort and what you may miss while exploring the destination. If you are looking to experience all that a location has to offer while also soaking up the sun and taking a dip in a pool, then a vacation rental could likely best suit your needs. Now, onto my last question…

        4. How many people are traveling?

          Are you traveling solo, as a couple, with your small immediate family, or are you having a reunion/meeting up with other groups? In this instance, resorts and vacation rentals can both be a good choice! Resorts provide you with your own room and typically have properties that are quite large. They can offer connecting rooms, as well as lobbies and public spaces for easy gatherings. On the other hand, vacation rentals can be rented out so that the entire property is for you and your party alone–no random strangers or entertainment staff trying to pull you out of your chair to dance! As an example, Banbou Terrace has 3 separate villas that can allow each family or group to have their own privacy, yet be able to easily meet up at the outdoor terraces and spaces at their convenience.

          Whatever you choose—resort or vacation rental—both can provide unforgettable moments and experiences that help shape your vacation of a lifetime. If you are looking for some aspects typically provided at resorts (such as an on-site massage, a meal catered for you by a chef, laundry service, etc.) but feel that a vacation rental is calling your name, then look no further! Our Banbou Terrace team would be more than delighted to make that happen for you.

          Happy travels!

          The Banbou Terrace Team